Eating Right During Pregnancy

When a women is pregnant she needs to proper balance diet,nutrition and enough energy for her baby.For healthy baby and healthy pregnancy,mother needs to balance diet in everyday.She needs right balance of carbohydrate,protein,fats,iron and vitamins.
In the period of pregnancy,you should take a right amount of vitamins.You can met this amount by taking fruits and vitamins. A need-to-know guide to help you reduce your risk of food borne illness.
12 Healthy Food List For Pregnant Women
Cheese contain calcium,high protein and vitamin B.1 ounce contains 150 and 200 miligram calcium.
Some cheese are not safe for pregnant women like mould-ripend soft cheese are not safe for pregnant women.Because it grows bacteria such as listeria.
If you infected with listeria,you can get an illness called listeriosis.

Which is very dangerous for your unborn baby.It also causes miscarriage and loss of  baby at birth time.Hard cheeses are safe and soft processed cheeses which made with pasteurized milk is safe.
If you cook soft mould cheese throughly ,this will kill bacteria and it is safe for your health
Whole Grain Bread
Whole grain bread is a good source of fiber and also supplies iron and zinc.You can met 2 gram of fiber per slice.
Egg are alternative source of protein,minerals,fat,vitamin A,D and B.Undoubtedly egg is one of the most healthy and nutritious food for pregnancy.Egg is very necessary to ensure that the right balance of protein ,mineral and fats but safety is not overlooked and to ensure egg safety.
You store egg in use fridge,eggs stay fresh for 3-5 weeks.Don’t eat raw eggs,do not use recipes in which egg remain raw,don't use eggs which are cracked because bacteria enter easily.
American Pregnancy Association reports that oatmeal is a top source of folic acid and iron.Folic acid helps prevent birth defect.According to Quake Oat,per serving of oatmeal contains 20% of the recommended daily needs of non pregnant adult.
Spinach & Iron
Spinach and lettuces has high level of folate and iron.You can also add green to a sandwich.soups and pasta dishes.
Dried Beans & Lentils
Beans and lentils are great source of protein and fiber .It contain 15 gram protein per cup .Women need to extra gram of protein per a day during pregnancy.
Broccoli is a very popular green vegetable.It is a great source of protein and iron and vitamin,broccoli is also rich in fiber and disease fighting anti-oxidant.
Banana is a source of vitamin A,iron and rich in potassium.O’Rourke says “they are also easy  on your stomach if you are nauseated.It prevent your hair fall in pregnancy period.
Jo Ann Hattner,RD,a dietritition in Palo Alto,California say “ If you don't have good iron stores,you are more likely to fell tired”.In pregnancy period woman needs extra iron during in pregnancy.Meat is a rich source of iron.
None –fat milk
When a woman pregnant her body absorb roughly twice as much calcium from food while she is pregnant.The fat is whole milk is saturated and not healthy  for your heart.So non fat milk is useful for your pregnancy health.
Soy Food
It is very helpful for your vegetarian eating plan ,oyu contains protein from soy food.
Avoid  Alcohol & Caffeine in pregnancy
Some health care professionals advice pregnant woman to avoid alcohol altogether.
NICE(National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence),UK,advice pregnant woman to avoid alcohol completely during the first three months of pregnancy otherwise their risk of miscarriage is increased.”
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy may harm both the mother and the baby.There is an increased health risk for baby which may include restricted growth behavioral problem,a risk of facial abnormalities
Caffeine is also grow health risk for baby.It raised risk of giving low birth weight child and higher risk of miscarriage.Some health expert advice that coffee does not to be  avoid completely but not more than 200 mg per day.

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